Thursday, February 01, 2007

Survey Says... You Suck

LOL! Thanks to a dedicated reader for this one.

Q: On what basis do most people rate a job as being prestigious?
A: The most prestigious jobs are those that most help other people.

Q: What job is rated by most people as second to least prestigious?
A: Real estate agent/broker (second only to stockbroker).

Well, look on the bright side. All you wannabe stock gurus/day traders back during the NASDQ bubble who jumped on to the real estate get-rich-quick bandwagon after the stock bubble bust did manage to improve your prestige by 1%. What's it going to be next? Give us a heads-up, will 'ya?


Anonymous said...

This thing seems really wacked/skewed compared to general public perception reflected in the media. I think people in this survey confused "prestigious" with "honorable". Two distinctly different things.

Anonymous said...

the vokeaboolery of joe fivepak IS somewhat limited.

MrNemo said...

I see military officer, but what about the enlisted guys? We are the one's doing all the work.

Marco Guide

liz.mccarthy said...

Isn't that funny, my husband is at the top of the list as a Fireman, and I'm the dreaded Real Estate Broker at the bottom of the list.

We need my income to cover our mortgage to live in Marin. Does that mean that I'm pushed up a few notches because I'm married to such an "honorable" person?