Monday, February 19, 2007

I should also say that last week I received an email that appears to be a death threat. Hate mail is one thing and aggravates me to no end. I've received hate mail from almost the day I started this blog. But death threats are something else altogether. I know real estate is an emotional topic for some, and here in Marin it is akin to an outright fanatical religion. I don't know if this email was for real or just a cruel joke. The email simply read:
I swear if I ever find you your dead.
That's it. I assume it is in reference to my blog as I don't know what else it could be. I think they are just trying to scare me off and, well, it worked. I won't try and electronically track this person down because if I prosecute then I blow my anonymity and then I'd be really scared.


Anonymous said...

We support You Marinite!

Marinite said...

I'll take the hug any day. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

That idiot's grammar isn't even correct - "your" (sic) dead?

Omar Cruz said...
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