I'm starting a new job this week. It's going to be a lot of fun and a huge opportunity for me. And it should be fairly "recession resistant". Furthermore, I can start biking to work again. Yay!
Over this last couple of weeks I've been very busy doing some preparatory work. I expect to be "fed new info via a fire hose" at my new job for a month at least. So if you haven't already noticed, I am slowing down my contributions to this blog. I'll keep posting stuff as I see fit and keep certain graphs up-to-date. But really, what else is there to say?
thank you,i have relied on this site for good information on the marin market,and deeply appreciate all the work you have done.having been back in the real estate business for a couple of years i truly know how difficult it is to get good data,and i have referred many prospective buyers to your site.congratulations on the new job.(most,but not all, of those prospective buyers decided to wait)
Good luck on the new job, and thanks for the blog.
I hope you keep up with it.
Best of luck in the new job! Sounds exciting.
And, if the blog ends, I understand, and wish you all the best. But, it will be sorely missed.
What else is there to say? As we ride the rollercoaster down to prices backed by economic and social fundamentals, we will surely need enlightening commentary on that historic process, the dips and slight upturns (if any), the emerging psychology in the moment, and such, from a voice that has earned our respect with accuracy in the past. Those who, like me, learned a great deal about what would constitute a fair deal from you would continue to be enlightened by your words of wisdom during the truly scary tomorrows we are all, whether we know it or not, about to face.
So, if you are signing off, I will miss your comments, your knowledge, your spirited take. And, if it turns out that you are able to keep the blog going, let me just take this opportunity to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
Hope to keep readin' what you are able to keep writin'.
Keep posting Marinite, we need you.
Your blog is one of the few that updates with trully relevant, meaty, information.
Which is why Tom stone refers prospective clients here-Good Job Tom Stone!
Good luck with your job
I know how it feels, i have a job and i barely get time to write a blog or do anything I want to do
congradulation and good luck
i will miss your posts
Jonathan (representing a building services london company)
good luck from germany
Congrats on the job!
I've enjoyed following the trends, even if I've left Marin.
And, if the blog ends...
Not ending, just slowing. I have something I want to scan in and post. Prob tomorrow.
I survived my first day on the new job...the fire hose analogy was an understatement.
Ha. That graph reminds me of an AT&T Cingular comercial.
Is this how it goes?
Plan A: Make money off Marin housing bubble - never happpens so...
Plan B: Get a job - now maybe you can buy a house.
Commonalities of Marinite, Rush Limbaugh, and George W.
Make up your mind on a subject then look only for ideas that support what you believe.
Post only that part of articles that support your theory even if out of context.
Commonalities of Marinite, Rush Limbaugh, and George W.
Sophomoric ad hominem. And we are supposed to take you seriously?
Besides, the predictions of this blog have proven to be accurate and are happening as we speak. House prices in Sep (not inclouding condos) were down in Marin over 3% yoy! This bubble is going to take years to play out.
Weird to compare Marinite to Bush and Limbaugh.
I don't think B and L would like Marinite's efforts to educate and inform.
Marinite is questioning the big money machine and offering timely info about the true state of RE.
B and L would like you to ignore reality and just submit to the droning "truths" that they repeat and repeat and repeat.
Just like the RE industry.
Congrats on the new job, Marinite!
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