Thursday, April 19, 2007

S & P/Case-Shiller/Futures Tool

The following chart is from the S & P/Case-Shiller/Futures tool over at the excellent Paper Money blog where you can also find a tutorial on how to use the tool (I've taken the liberty to annotate some of the chart's major features; but I think its message is self-explanatory); it may be the closest thing to a crystal ball that we have:

Compare with:


Anonymous said...

Now, if that is not a scary chart, then I don't know what one is....

Much like our presidential "State of the Union" addresses, when the opposing party gets their dedicated airtime time to respond, wouldn't it be refreshing to provide these same 2-3 minute blocks of time to fully cover the "rest of the story" by us non-believers whenever the NAR or CAR is quoted in the paper or interviewed on TV.

Given the risks involved, it should be required by the media to do just this.

Anonymous said...

And another thing, I'd like to see the IJ print this chart and discuss the real risks (and likely outcomes) involved here..

Anonymous said...

The IJ?! A HAHAHA. There is NO WAY they would, you know, actually do a balanced coverage of an issue. Especially RE. They are owned by the locaol RE industry. THe IJ is nothing more than a "feel good" paper.

SoldAtTheTop said...


Thanks for the plug! Keep watching as I add more features to this chart in the future!

P.S. Glad to see your excellent blog running strong...

Anonymous said...

There is a good article by Mr. Nyquist posted on Financial Sense website. The following is a direct quote from this article:

The many lies that are affirmed today by politicians have worked their way into our system of education, into our media, into our entertainment. The corruption has spread from the political to the cultural. Some years ago Sissela Bok wrote a book titled Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life. Bok made the following acute observation: “The very stress … on achieving material success which so marks our society also generates intense pressures to cut corners. To win an election, to increase one’s income, to outsell competitors – such motives impel many to participate in forms of duplicity they might otherwise resist.”

Somehow, I have always thought this phenomena is abundant in the RE industry.

Marinite said...

I actually read Bok's book way back when in college; it was part of required first year reading. It's always held a special place in my heart and is one of the few books that my thoughts often find their way back to. I highly recommend her book. It is quite approachable, pragmatic, and does not get deeply philosophical.

Here is an link: