Friday, April 28, 2006

Losers Not Welcome in San Francisco

In San Francisco you are considered "low income" if you earn less than $95,000 per year:
In San Francisco, the income limits for resale homes (for one or two people) is $135,720 for moderate units, and $81,432 for low income units, and for new construction (read: South Beach High Rises) $135,720 is the moderate limit and $95,004 is the low income limit.

How crazy is that? You're low income in San Francisco if you make less than $95,000 per year. Looks like the lines for affordable unit lotteries are going to grow exponentially now...
Thank you Mr. Housing Bubble!


Welcome to NIMBY Northern California! Now go home before it's too late.


Athena said...

My favorite recurring visitors are the Federal Reserve Board & Fannie Mae!

moonvalley said...

what if one of you two bloggers Marinite or Athena was picked for Bernackes' job? Perhaps they're talent scouting for sane people.

Marinite said...

what if one of you two bloggers Marinite or Athena was picked for Bernackes' job?

Ahahahahaha! I never in a million years would have seen that one coming! LOL!

So Athena, what would you do in Bernanke's position? I know what I'd do; Scylla or Charybdis. I guess I'd choose Scylla.