Saturday, September 23, 2006

My Comment Left on Warren Carreiro's Blog

Warren Carreiro, that Marin real estate broker featured a while ago on this blog, seems to be deleting any and all comments left on his blog that contains a URL to my blog. That's his choice of course but I have to wonder of what Warren is afraid. Apparently, Warren is content with bad-mouthing a blog without actually providing a reference to the blog he is referring to and thereby allowing his readers to form their own opinions. Well, that's a blog owner's prerogative.

I found a post on Warren's blog where one of my data plots is mentioned. Based on what some commentors were saying I decided I needed to clarify some potential misunderstandings on the part of the reader. Since I am not sure if my comment will actually get posted to Warren's blog (comment moderation is turned on), I thought I would post a picture of my comment here since it would be of benefit to readers of this blog as well:


Anonymous said...

This is pathetic. Who cares!

Anonymous said...

I don't want to see his face here.
Why do you keep putting that picture on this site?
He is obviously a RE HO.
Why are you promoting him?

Oh no!

Is Warren really Marinite?
I've never seen the two of them at the same place at the same time.

This is getting very deep and disturbing.

Anonymous said...

Ditto all of the above. Warren's old news. He doesn't matter. Let's move on.

Anonymous said...

Warren how come you don't listen to your broker peers? Tell people the truth and wake up!

Anonymous said...

LOTS of open houses in Mill Valley today, including a roadside sign near that POS on Shoreline near 7-11 that included the asking price in big print. I seem to be seeing more open houses each week these days. Couldn't have imagined this a few months back.

Anonymous said...

Warren Carreiro and Marinite are the same person.

It is very clear.

They are fabricating this arguement to bring more attention to themselves.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, lots of open houses today.

I have a SF friend who just sold her loft.
Her agent told her that this is the top of the market.
Get out now.
Buy low sell high.

She did so and is happily renting with a pile of cash.

See, the agents are helping some folks.
Don't dismiss all of them as scum.

Anonymous said...

Why are you wasting your time and everyone else's with this juvenile rant? Good grief. Can you please get back to commenting on the market and stop obsessing with Warren?

Anonymous said...

While some of you commenters are obviously rankled by this ongoing blog brabble, I can fully understand why Marinite would not wish to be misquoted or have information that she/he has on this blog misrepresented by another blogger.

You aren't paying for this service that Marinite is feeding you, so quit yer bitchin' and be grateful. Marinite has helped me educate myself about the current No. Cal RE world by supplying lots of data that I would otherwise have to spend hours mining for myself.

That said, I do think Warren's pic might look better with a goofy moustache or devil horns.

Anonymous said...
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